Summary Video of UNESCO

08-10-2013 17:42

The video is disclosing and giving an example of Mozambique's literacy.

The illiteracy rate was 93%, and now came down to 50%.

It gives us an example of a 16 year old boy who likes to teach. Like all others, he could not read or write, but he went to a school to learn. He is who now teaches complete families, like uncles, parents etc....

He aims to teach others just like he has been taught, to reduce illiteracy.

In that country, many swindlers took advantage of people who could not read or do math, to deceive in commercial transactions.

  It also gives us a testimony of a man who could not make an account and was mistaken in sales of goods.

Today, as he can already do math, no one deceives you. Some time ago, there were no young people enrolled in the secondary school system. Currently, with the help of UNESCO, there is a higher percentage.

UNESCO supports Africa in helping fishermen, supporting with care to pack the fish.

As women have always helped in tasks related to fishing, they are now able to make their own math to pay for their debts.

With the help of UNESCO, people managed to build a school to help reduce illiteracy and contribute to an increase in education among young people.